Monday, March 30, 2009

New Moon - Can you handle it?


Elizabeth said...

That looks exciting. I guess I'm going to have to watch Twilight first, though.

T said...

Ditto Elizabeth! I'm ashamed to say I haven't even seen the first one!!!! New Moon looks awesome though.

Laurie, the girls and Scott said...

I started Twilight (for the first time!) last night. I will finish before I go to bed tonight. I was so into the book I was having trouble breathing. Then I remembered it's allergy season and I was having an asthma attach. I cannot wait to start reading again! Now I get why everyone made such a big deal about this book.

turlington clan said...

WOW!!! im so excited. i think this new director is gonna be awesome. it looks really really good!

The Schaefer's said...

Looks good, and I want to see it; but I don't think I can do another midnight movie :c)

Clayfrogger (a.k.a. Delores) said...

Sure you can Jenn. It will be fun! It can't be worse than the first go round. At least I hope not.