We make the kids wait on the stairs until we turn on the Christmas tree lights and get the camera ready. I think the kids had a great christmas. My husband surprised me with a new camera. Yay!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Christmas Morning
Christmas Eve at Grandma and Grandpa's
We all got together at Grandma and Grandpa's house for a nice dinner. We all enjoyed being together.
Gingerbread House
Every year the third graders make gingerbread houses with their parents. Hunter and I had a great time.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Dipping and Dipping
I was dipping candy canes and marshmallows. Kate decided she wanted to help. She actually did a great job dipping marshmallows.
Jeff and I after cruising.
Okay, since I didn't have a good picture of me on the beach, here is an after shot. You can at least see a tan.
Jeff and I after our cruise. It's hard to go on vacation with just the two of us and get pics of us together. I will have some of us from Dunn's River Falls as soon as I get those developed.
Our Cruise
Jeff laying out at 7 mile beach in Grand Cayman
Our ship -Carnival Liberty
Jeff and I in Cozumel. We took a picture at this same spot 3 years ago when I was pregnant with kate. We had a great time. Very relaxing and we had some great food. My parents stayed with the kids. Thanks to them we could go!!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Tag: My "Iceman"
What's your husband's name? Jeffrey Scott
How long have you been married? 13 years on Dec. 16th
How long did you date? 4 months.
Who said I love you first? He did up at his parents house in Wyoming.
Who asked who out first? We were set up on a blind date.
Who kissed who first? He kissed me first. Oh, I still remember it. Yum!
How old is he? 37
Who eats the sweets? We both like sweets, but I go overboard
Who sings best? Neither of us do.
Who's smarter? Definitely Jeff.
Who cooks dinner and does laundry? I mostly cook, except for breakfast and Thurs. He is great at breakfast. I mostly do laundry but he will help.
Who mows the lawn? Alex, we don't have much to mow.
Who pays the bills? Jeff and I together.
Who drives? I do as much as I can because I get car sick easily.
Who wears the pants? We share them.
Our favorite couple thing to do? Go on cruises, just the two of us.
His favorite pastimes? Watching sports, reading, relaxing in hot tub.
What I love most about him? He is very patient, way more than me. He lets me read. He is a hard worker. He likes the house clean so he helps. He loves me.
I tag Melissa, Laurie, Jen S., Julie A. and any one else.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Twilight??? What did you think?
So I want to know what you thought of Twilight. I know several of you have not seen it. But when you have I wanna know what you thought
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Are you ready for some blood-sucking
Twilight Girls Night here we come! Okay ladies do you have your midnight(Thurs.) showing ticket for Twilight? Let's meet at La Parilla at 9:45pm get a bite and then head over to wait in line to get our seats and get ready for some real biting!!! Go Edward! Go Edward!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Okay - Twilight Finally
So I called La Parilla and they are open until 10:30 on weekdays. So do we want to eat over there for dinner/dessert and then see the midnight movie? If that sounds good then I suggest we start buying our tickets. That sounds good to me.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
New Twilight Info
Okay here is new info on Twilight. Thurs. Nov 20th there is a 12:01am showing. Also, Friday 21st the times are 7:45pm or 10:40 pm. This is at Regal Cinemas in Newnan. So let me know what you would like to do. Then I will let everyone know what was the most popular time and we can then plan accordingly. Thanks
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Twilight TIckets
Okay ladies! Tickets are now on sale for Twilight! No great time showings. It will be at Tinsletown in Fayetteville. The only time that looked great is 8:30pm Fri Nov 21st There is a "La Parilla" also in Fayetteville. Who's up for it?
Monday, October 27, 2008
More Carving
Alex working on his pumpkin, we heard a great idea to put your "beater" on the end of your drill and it helps to get the goop out. It worked really well. I had to have a pic of Jeff and I to show that I was actually there. Our finished products.
Carving Time!
Since we were carving pumpkins tonight I thought for dinner we would have mummies and bones for dinner. Kids carving pumpkins.
Trunk or Treat!
We have "Annie", "baby", Alex with "Annie" and "Darth Vader". The kids enjoyed trunk or treating Sat. night
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Okay, so Laura tagged me. 7 interesting or weird things about me!
1. I used to take tap, jazz, and ballet from the time I was 3 until I graduated high school.
2. I am in the primary presidency. I never saw that coming.
3. Jeff and I met on a blind date. He was the third Jeff I had dated in a row. He was the lucky one! Right! ha ha
4. I am the youngest of 4 daughters.
5. The first time I ever shot a hand gun was on my first visit to Jeff's mom and dad's house in Alpine, WY. It was pretty neat, but it kinda threw me back. Not as easy as it looks on tv.
6. I wanted to have my kids abcd: ex. Alex, Brooke, Casen and "D" name for the last child. Jeff thought the name "Casen" sounded like a car part, so it ended with Brooke. Oh well!
7. I got my first kiss when I was 13. Cute boy from church.
Okay so now I tag: Shondra, Elizabeth R., my cousin Bonnie, my sis-in-law(Polly),Kasey, Jen Schaefer,LeAnn Austin.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Kate singing a song from Barney
I was on the computer and could here this behind me. She was cracking me up, I had to tape her. She is singing "ew, ew, ew, I am really, really, mad" from Barney.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
A trade for the Pappy!!
No more pappies! We took are pappies to Wal-Mart and "traded" them in for this doll and stroller. We had a few rough nights but we are doing much better each day. That was a hard addiction.