Over by Huddleston Pond there is a hill that the kids have found. They have taken boxes and go sledding down the hill. We have been there everynight since. They have a blast. Even Kate loves to go down.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Who needs snow to go sledding!
Garden Plot
Here is our garden plot. We planted mainly by seeds. We did plant tomato plants and pepper plants. They tend to grow better by having a plant. We have carrots,peas,beans,watermelon,cantaloupe,peppers,tomatoes,onions, cucumbers and spaghetti squash. I also am planting a few things at home in containers. They all are starting to sprout. We hope we get to eat from these this summer.
Mink Gobbles
I had to post this of Kate. She loves to swim and had to have "mink gobbles" for her eyes. This is while we were at Pigeon Forge. She is a crack-up
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Wow! Catch-up is not fun!
I think this is my final entry of playing catch-up. It's not fun or easy to have to catch up. We end this blog with Dollywood and will post Easter in a few days.
All my little fishies!
My kids love pools, so whenever we stay somewhere we make sure there is a pool. They can swim and play for hours. Kate has just realized how much she loves to swim. In our hot tub she would jump and try to swim underwater. When we got to the hotel all she wanted to do is swim. She did awesome. She can swim underwater and loves to jump in. The kids were able to swim with some of Brooke's friends from school that happened to be at the same hotel. They had great fun!
We get to Dollywood on Thursday morning just as they open and we are waiting to go up the hill to the rollercoasters and someone bumps into Jeff. Lo and behold, it's Ben Johnson and his boys. His family came up to Pigeon Forge for a few days and decided to try Dollywood. We all stayed together for the rest of the day and I think fun was had by all. Brooke and Hunter beat their fears and went on all the roller coasters. Hunter and Kimball got soaked on "River battle". They waddled around wet for quite a while. At first Kate wouldn't go on much, she made me sit in the same seat with her in the "Pig ride". Needless to say, I fit but very very uncomfortable. They rest of the time we were there she went on all the kid rides with Alex. She loved them.
Mayfield here we come!
On our way to Pigeon Forge we stopped at Mayfield Dairy and had ourselves some delicious ice cream and for super cheap.
Kate's first dentist visit
Kate turned 3 so it was time ti see the dentist. She has been many times with the kids but now it was her time. She would not lie down for them. The dentist assistant was so good with her. They just cleaned her teeth with a normal toothbrush and showed her the cleaning tools that would be used next time. She did a great job and she has great teeth. Yay!
Snails, worms and more
After all this rain we have had Kate and Hunter have been on the search for worms and more. One day Hunter came across a snail. He was kinda cute. I wouldn't dare touch him though!
Bakerella I am not!
I tried to make Bakerella's cute pops. She does an amazing job. She makes the chocolate so smooth. They did taste great.
Happy Birthday Kate!
On March 28th Kate celebrated her 3rd birthday. She at first didn't want a cake or presents. Once she saw her presents she was happy. Can't believe that she is 3. She was born about 3 weeks early. She couldn't wait to get here. She is spoiled. She attached to Alex immediately and loves him to death. It's been fun for us all to raise her.
Monday, April 6, 2009
The Power of Dawn
The blue bottle of "Dawn" does amazing things for clothes. Try putting some on a stain of a grease mark, mac n chs, you name it and it takes the stain out. I have bought Shout, Zout, you name it and I can never get out the stains. Try it next time on your dirty clothes. It is great! Do I sound like an infomercial? Really it works.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Counsel from Conference
Wow! You always wonder if conference can get any better and then it does. There were so many great talks given. Some of my favorite quotes "you are never lost if you can see the Temple" "Be of good cheer, face life's unexpected challenges" "Be of one heart and one mind in our families" "be fixed in your purpose"